I really haven't talked about this much and it's text. I don't know if you've noticed it, but over the last few months, the number of texts I receive on a daily basis has grown astronomically. Well, maybe not that much, but it has been a lot. I get very helpful texts about my password expiring soon and I just need to click on the link to get it changed safely. And then there's the regular text from the Postal Service, UPS, and Fedex and others letting me know that there are delivery problems and I just need to click on the link included in the text to ensure I get my deliveries on time. I really do appreciate the texts I received letting me know that I have bonus cash available on Amazon for immediate purchase and it's going to be expiring soon, so I better go to the included link so that I don't lose out on all those purchases. If you've had any of these type of texts, I really hope you didn't click on that included Link because if you did, it's possible that it just kind of errored out and didn't go anywhere, so you didn't really think much about it and just passed on. Your phone may now be compromised. So what are some signs that your phone may have been hacked? If you've got sudden, unexplained, or irrational behavior by your smartphone, which a lot of them do, it's definitely a red flag.